Uchida / Sun Audio, Japan Röhrenverstärker mit 300B und 2A3 Trioden triode amp
Uchida / Sun Audio, Japan Röhrenverstärker mit 300B und 2A3 Trioden triode amp
The tube amplifiers of Sun Audio, Japan are now available at Acoustic Dimension in the Netherlands.
Acoustic Dimension
Mr. Peter de Bruyn
Email: info@nullacoustic-dimension.com
Phone +31-15-8892700
New Mono power amps
In the product range added with a few changes. The both new monoaural amplifiers are very interesting by the strong driver stage and the interstage transformer.
New are two monaural amplifiers:
- SV-2A3EPX (2A3 PP amplifier with interstage transformer)
- SV-2A3TSX (2A3 PSE amplifier with interstage transformer)